Why your business should be doing better with photography.
Attracting your ideal clients used to be pretty easy, all we needed was a few things to get repeat business...just do a great job by crushing it, make sure your client was happy and depend on the word of mouth that sells you to new clients. Back before the internet craze, this was key in success - today however, that is no longer enough because there’s just so much more competition in the marketplace! As a Dallas-based commercial photographer who’s used to competition - we understand this as much as anyone else. Now I’m not saying that great photography will help you overnight increase your business by 200% - there is no magic bullet. But I do know that without critical cornerstones to your marketing strategy, your success will be limited. And one of those cornerstones needs to be images...let us give you 3 reasons why!
Photography helps define the kind of brand you are and builds trust.
So much of a consumer's mindset is focused around first impressions - first impressions on Google, first impressions on Instagram and Facebook, first impressions where ever your presence is online. If your first impressions are grainy, unprofessional phone photos with poor compositions it will equally do a poor job of representing your brand… is that the way you want to represent quality and professional? But if you have great photos, the potential client will automatically see your brand in a better light and a brand that they can trust.Photography builds consistent confidence for the consumer's mindset.
Have you ever seen photos that are generic and lacks compelling story-telling? Sure they’re sharp and pretty but…it doesn’t lead a customer down the sales funnel. Have you ever seen Nike or Porsche put out a bad photo or an image that lacks any story? Never...and they’re one of the biggest companies in the world for a reason and that is something that you can distill into your own brand. Connecting beautiful imagery with a powerful story instills confidence and if you tell that story repeatedly, eventually you’ll connect with them when they need you.A picture can help you find your ideal clients.
Have you ever been approached for work with clients that you do not want to work with? Do they feel as though you charge too much? Or maybe they are over-managing and won’t let you do what you need to do to finish their project? With images that you define who you are online, you’ll help attract the ones that truly want to work with you - they just let you do your thing! Again, this is part of the bigger strategy that large brands do - they know that their products aren’t for everyone, but they know that their products are for someone, they’re just trying to find that right person. And when it all falls into place, it all will start to work itself out.